
Correlation Between Quantitative MRI and Muscle Histopathology in Muscle Biopsies from Healthy Controls and Patients with IBM, FSHD and OPMD

BACKGROUND: Muscle MRI is increasingly used as a diagnostic and research tool in muscle disorders. However, the correlation between MRI abnormalities and histopathological severity is largely unknown. OBJECTIVE: To investigate correlations between muscle MRI abnormalities and histopathological sever...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lassche, Saskia, Küsters, Benno, Heerschap, Arend, Schyns, Maxime V.P., Ottenheijm, Coen A.C., Voermans, Nicol C., van Engelen, Baziel G.M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: IOS Press 2020
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