
Integrating Biosignals Measurement in Virtual Reality Environments for Anxiety Detection

This paper proposes a protocol for the acquisition and processing of biophysical signals in virtual reality applications, particularly in phobia therapy experiments. This protocol aims to ensure that the measurement and processing phases are performed effectively, to obtain clean data that can be us...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Petrescu, Livia, Petrescu, Cătălin, Mitruț, Oana, Moise, Gabriela, Moldoveanu, Alin, Moldoveanu, Florica, Leordeanu, Marius
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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Sumario:This paper proposes a protocol for the acquisition and processing of biophysical signals in virtual reality applications, particularly in phobia therapy experiments. This protocol aims to ensure that the measurement and processing phases are performed effectively, to obtain clean data that can be used to estimate the users’ anxiety levels. The protocol has been designed after analyzing the experimental data of seven subjects who have been exposed to heights in a virtual reality environment. The subjects’ level of anxiety has been estimated based on the real-time evaluation of a nonlinear function that has as parameters various features extracted from the biophysical signals. The highest classification accuracy was obtained using a combination of seven heart rate and electrodermal activity features in the time domain and frequency domain.