
Laser-induced vapor nanobubbles improve diffusion in biofilms of antimicrobial agents for wound care

Being responsible for delayed wound healing, the presence of biofilms in infected wounds leads to chronic, and difficult to treat infections. One of the reasons why antimicrobial treatment often fails to cure biofilm infections is the reduced penetration rate of antibiotics through dense biofilms. S...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Teirlinck, E., Fraire, J.C., Van Acker, H., Wille, J., Swimberghe, R., Brans, T., Xiong, R., Meire, M., De Moor, R.J.G., De Smedt, S.C., Coenye, T., Braeckmans, K.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2019
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