
Development and piloting of a perturbation stationary bicycle robotic system that provides unexpected lateral perturbations during bicycling (the PerStBiRo system)

BACKGROUND: Balance control, and specifically balance reactive responses that contribute to maintaining balance when balance is lost unexpectedly, is impaired in older people. This leads to an increased fall risk and injurious falls. Improving balance reactive responses is one of the goals in fall-p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Batcir, Shani, Livne, Yaakov, Lev Lehman, Rotem, Edelman, Shmil, Schiller, Lavi, Lubovsky, Omri, Shani, Guy, Shapiro, Amir, Melzer, Itshak
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2021
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