
Subarachnoid ketamine and ketamine s (+) associated with lidocaine in sheep and goats anesthesia

Ten male sheep (Sheep group; SGk) and seven male goats (Goat group; GGks+) were used in this study. The objective was to compare the use of racemic ketamine or ketamine S(+) associated with lidocaine on spinal anesthesia and evaluate if the drugs leads to a surgical anesthesia state, as well as to v...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dória, Renata Gebara Sampaio, Ferraz, Gesiane Ribeiro Leão, Filippo, Paula Alessandra Di, Lacerenza, Milena Domingues, Fernandes, Letícia Martins, Oleskovicz, Nilson, Valadão, Carlos Augusto Araújo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2020
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