
Reverse Engineering and Robotics as Tools for Analyzing Neural Circuits

Understanding neuronal circuits that have evolved over millions of years to control adaptive behavior may provide us with alternative solutions to problems in robotics. Recently developed genetic tools allow us to study the connectivity and function of the insect nervous system at the single neuron...

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Autor principal: Pisokas, Ioannis
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2021
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Sumario:Understanding neuronal circuits that have evolved over millions of years to control adaptive behavior may provide us with alternative solutions to problems in robotics. Recently developed genetic tools allow us to study the connectivity and function of the insect nervous system at the single neuron level. However, neuronal circuits are complex, so the question remains, can we unravel the complex neuronal connectivity to understand the principles of the computations it embodies? Here, I illustrate the plausibility of incorporating reverse engineering to analyze part of the central complex, an insect brain structure essential for navigation behaviors such as maintaining a specific compass heading and path integration. I demonstrate that the combination of reverse engineering with simulations allows the study of both the structure and function of the underlying circuit, an approach that augments our understanding of both the computation performed by the neuronal circuit and the role of its components.