
Chronological Age in Different Bone Development Stages: A Retrospective Comparative Study

The assessment of an individual’s development by investigating the skeletal maturity is of much use in various medical fields. Skeletal maturity can be estimated by evaluating the morphology of the cervical vertebrae. The aim of this study was to conduct comparisons of the chronological age in diffe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moca, Abel Emanuel, Vaida, Luminița Ligia, Moca, Rahela Tabita, Țuțuianu, Anamaria Violeta, Bochiș, Călin Florin, Bochiș, Sergiu Alin, Iovanovici, Diana Carina, Negruțiu, Bianca Maria
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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