
Impact of the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic on US Healthcare Workers: Results from the HERO Registry

BACKGROUND: The HERO registry was established to support research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on US healthcare workers. OBJECTIVE: Describe the COVID-19 pandemic experiences of and effects on individuals participating in the HERO registry. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, self-administered regist...

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Egile Nagusiak: Forrest, Christopher B., Xu, Haolin, Thomas, Laine E., Webb, Laura E., Cohen, Lauren W., Carey, Timothy S., Chuang, Cynthia H., Daraiseh, Nancy M., Kaushal, Rainu, McClay, James C., Modave, François, Nauman, Elizabeth, Todd, Jonathan V., Wallia, Amisha, Bruno, Cortney, Hernandez, Adrian F., O’Brien, Emily C.
Formatua: Online Artikulua Texto
Argitaratua: Springer International Publishing 2021
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