
d-Aspartate consumption selectively promotes intermediate-term spatial memory and the expression of hippocampal NMDA receptor subunits

d-Aspartate (d-Asp) and d-serine (d-Ser) have been proposed to promote early-phase LTP in vitro and to enhance spatial memory in vivo. Here, we investigated the behavioural effects of chronic consumption of d-Asp and d-Ser on spatial learning of mice together with the expression of NMDA receptors. W...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zachar, Gergely, Kemecsei, Róbert, Papp, Szilvia Márta, Wéber, Katalin, Kisparti, Tamás, Tyler, Teadora, Gáspár, Gábor, Balázsa, Tamás, Csillag, András
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2021
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