
Population genetic structure of the Asian bush mosquito, Aedes japonicus (Diptera, Culicidae), in Belgium suggests multiple introductions

BACKGROUND: Aedes japonicus japonicus has expanded beyond its native range and has established in multiple European countries, including Belgium. In addition to the population located at Natoye, Belgium, locally established since 2002, specimens were recently collected along the Belgian border. The...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Smitz, Nathalie, De Wolf, Katrien, Deblauwe, Isra, Kampen, Helge, Schaffner, Francis, De Witte, Jacobus, Schneider, Anna, Verlé, Ingrid, Vanslembrouck, Adwine, Dekoninck, Wouter, Meganck, Kenny, Gombeer, Sophie, Vanderheyden, Ann, De Meyer, Marc, Backeljau, Thierry, Werner, Doreen, Müller, Ruth, Van Bortel, Wim
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2021
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