
Therapeutic Potential of Phytoconstituents in Management of Alzheimer's Disease

Since primitive times, herbs have been extensively used in conventional remedies for boosting cognitive impairment and age-associated memory loss. It is mentioned that medicinal plants have a variety of dynamic components, and they have become a prominent choice for synthetic medications for the car...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Singh, Anurag Kumar, Rai, Sachchida Nand, Maurya, Anand, Mishra, Gaurav, Awasthi, Rajendra, Shakya, Anshul, Chellappan, Dinesh Kumar, Dua, Kamal, Vamanu, Emanuel, Chaudhary, Sushil Kumar, Singh, M. P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Hindawi 2021
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