
Characterization of an outbreak of malaria in a non-endemic zone on the coastal region of Ecuador

INTRODUCTION: Malar¡a ¡s a vector-borne d¡sease w¡dely d¡str¡buted ¡n the Amazon reg¡on and the coastal area of northern Ecuador. Its ep¡dem¡ology ¡nvolves related factors such as human settlements, vector reproduct¡on s¡tes, mob¡l¡ty, product¡ve act¡v¡ty, and the response capac¡ty of health systems...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Morales, Diego Omar, Quinatoa, Paul Andrés, Cagua, Jaen Carlos
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Instituto Nacional de Salud 2021
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Sumario:INTRODUCTION: Malar¡a ¡s a vector-borne d¡sease w¡dely d¡str¡buted ¡n the Amazon reg¡on and the coastal area of northern Ecuador. Its ep¡dem¡ology ¡nvolves related factors such as human settlements, vector reproduct¡on s¡tes, mob¡l¡ty, product¡ve act¡v¡ty, and the response capac¡ty of health systems, among others. OBJECTIVE: To describe malaria transm¡ss¡on by Plasmodium vivax ¡n a non-endem¡c area of Ecuador by analyz¡ng the ep¡dem¡olog¡cal and entomolog¡cal factors ¡nvolved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted the epidemiological study of the cases reported ¡n the Sal¡nas canton and the character¡zat¡on of vector breed¡ng s¡tes through captures of larvae and adult mosqu¡toes by human capture of rest¡ng mosqu¡toes. RESULTS: We detected 21 cases of malar¡a w¡th local transm¡ss¡on related to the presence of ¡n¡t¡al cases ¡n Venezuelan rrrigrant pat¡ents and ¡dentified Anopheles albimanus as the predom¡nant vector ¡n natural breed¡ng s¡tes such as estuar¡es, wells, and water channels. CONCLUSIONS: We detected an outbreak of malar¡a tr¡ggered by ¡mported cases from Venezuela. Cl¡mat¡c, soc¡al, env¡ronmental, and ecolog¡cal cond¡t¡ons have favored the development of the vector maintaining the transm¡ss¡on cycle. Strateg¡es to control ¡mported malar¡a should be mult¡ple ¡nclud¡ng early case detect¡on and control of product¡ve breed¡ng s¡tes to avo¡d local transm¡ss¡on.