
The significance of erythropoietin and insulin administration on survival of fat tissue after autologous fat transplantation in Wistar rats. An experimental study

Autologous fat transfer is widely used by plastic surgeons for aesthetic and reconstructive purpose, but it has a great disadvantage because of its high variability rate of resorption. Numerous studies have examined the use of different agents to increase the viability of fat grafts. The results wer...

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Autores principales: Olaru, Iulia, Sava, Anca, Tamaş, Camelia, Costea, Claudia Florida, Dumitrescu, Gabriela Florenţa, Paşca, Aurelian Sorin, Olaru, Florin Ştefan, Stamate, Teodor
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Academy of Medical Sciences, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest 2020
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