
Early or deferred initiation of efavirenz during rifampicin‐based TB therapy has no significant effect on CYP3A induction in TB‐HIV infected patients

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In TB‐HIV co‐infection, prompt initiation of TB therapy is recommended but anti‐retroviral treatment (ART) is often delayed due to potential drug–drug interactions between rifampicin and efavirenz. In a longitudinal cohort study, we evaluated the effects of efavirenz/rifampic...

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Autores principales: Aklillu, Eleni, Zumla, Alimuddin, Habtewold, Abiy, Amogne, Wondwossen, Makonnen, Eyasu, Yimer, Getnet, Burhenne, Jürgen, Diczfalusy, Ulf
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2020
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