
FAIR, open, and free does not mean no restrictions

Commonly, these terms are used incorrectly, causing much confusion and misunderstanding. Actually, no digital asset is completely FAIR, open, and free, and most would be classified somewhere on a spectrum of FAIRness, openness, and freedom from cost. Key restrictions hindering the ideal include priv...

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Autor principal: Jeffery, Keith G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2021
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Sumario:Commonly, these terms are used incorrectly, causing much confusion and misunderstanding. Actually, no digital asset is completely FAIR, open, and free, and most would be classified somewhere on a spectrum of FAIRness, openness, and freedom from cost. Key restrictions hindering the ideal include privacy (personal data protection), licensing, access/use authorization, security, and costs that may be absorbed by an organization.