
Domestication Explains Two-Thirds of Differential-Gene-Expression Variance between Domestic and Wild Animals; The Remaining One-Third Reflects Intraspecific and Interspecific Variation

SIMPLE SUMMARY: Before genomes were sequenced, zoologists had discovered destabilizing selection as a general pattern of animal domestication that in foxes and minks had yielded fur colors never seen in the wild. Today, known genomes of humans and domestic and wild animals arouse interest in a commo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chadaeva, Irina, Ponomarenko, Petr, Kozhemyakina, Rimma, Suslov, Valentin, Bogomolov, Anton, Klimova, Natalya, Shikhevich, Svetlana, Savinkova, Ludmila, Oshchepkov, Dmitry, Kolchanov, Nikolay A., Markel, Arcady, Ponomarenko, Mikhail
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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