
Changing hygiene behaviours: a cluster-randomized trial, Ethiopia

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a water, sanitation and hygiene intervention could change hygiene behaviours thought to be important for trachoma control. METHODS: We conducted a cluster-randomized trial in rural Ethiopia from 9 November 2015 to 5 March 2019. We randomized 20 clusters to an interven...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aragie, Solomon, Tadesse, Wondyifraw, Dagnew, Adane, Hailu, Dagnachew, Dubie, Melese, Wittberg, Dionna M, Melo, Jason S, Haile, Mahteme, Zeru, Taye, Freeman, Matthew C, Nash, Scott D, Callahan, E Kelly, Tadesse, Zerihun, Arnold, Benjamin F, Porco, Travis C, Lietman, Thomas M, Keenan, Jeremy D
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: World Health Organization 2021
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