
Negative heterosis for meiotic recombination rate in spermatocytes of the domestic chicken Gallus gallus

Benef its and costs of meiotic recombination are a matter of discussion. Because recombination breaks allele combinations already tested by natural selection and generates new ones of unpredictable f itness, a high recombination rate is generally benef icial for the populations living in a f luctuat...

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Autores principales: Malinovskaya, L.P., Tishakova, K.V., Bikchurina, T.I., Slobodchikova, A.Yu., Torgunakov, N.Yu., Torgasheva, A.A., Tsepilov, Y.A., Volkova, N.A., Borodin, P.M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2021
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