
Profiling of ob/ob mice skeletal muscle exosome-like vesicles demonstrates combined action of miRNAs, proteins and lipids to modulate lipid homeostasis in recipient cells

We have determined the lipid, protein and miRNA composition of skeletal muscle (SkM)-released extracellular vesicles (ELVs) from Ob/ob (OB) vs wild-type (WT) mice. The results showed that atrophic insulin-resistant OB-SkM released less ELVs than WT-SkM, highlighted by a RAB35 decrease and an increas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jalabert, Audrey, Reininger, Laura, Berger, Emmanuelle, Coute, Yohann, Meugnier, Emmanuelle, Forterre, Alexis, Errazuriz-Cerda, Elizabeth, Geloen, Alain, Aouadi, Myriam, Bouzakri, Karim, Rieusset, Jennifer, Rome, Sophie
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2021
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