
IgE reactivity to milk components in dogs with cutaneous adverse food reactions

We investigated the IgE reactivity to crude and purified milk antigens in the sera of 112 dogs with cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFRs). Of the 112 dogs, 33 (29%) had specific IgE for crude milk antigens. In the dogs with milk-specific IgE, IgE reactivity to casein, bovine serum albumin (BSA),...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: SHIMAKURA, Hidekatsu, NASUKAWA, Tadahiro, UCHIYAMA, Jumpei, SUGIMOTO, Ryosuke, IMANISHI, Ichiro, OOTA, Sumire, MIZUKAMI, Keijiro, FUJIMURA, Masato, SAKAGUCHI, Masahiro
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 2021
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