
The lupus autoantigen La/Ssb is an Xist-binding protein involved in Xist folding and cloud formation

Using the programmable RNA-sequence binding domain of the Pumilio protein, we FLAG-tagged Xist (inactivated X chromosome specific transcript) in live mouse cells. Affinity pulldown coupled to mass spectrometry was employed to identify a list of 138 candidate Xist-binding proteins, from which, Ssb (a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ha, Norbert, Ding, Nan, Hong, Ru, Liu, Rubing, Roca, Xavier, Luo, Yingyuan, Duan, Xiaowei, Wang, Xiao, Ni, Peiling, Wu, Haiyang, Zhang, Li-Feng, Chen, Lingyi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2021
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