
Mice with gene alterations in the GH and IGF family

Much of our understanding of GH’s action stems from animal models and the generation and characterization of genetically altered or modified mice. Manipulation of genes in the GH/IGF1 family in animals started in 1982 when the first GH transgenic mice were produced. Since then, multiple laboratories...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Qian, Yanrong, Berryman, Darlene E., Basu, Reetobrata, List, Edward O., Okada, Shigeru, Young, Jonathan A., Jensen, Elizabeth A., Bell, Stephen R. C., Kulkarni, Prateek, Duran-Ortiz, Silvana, Mora-Criollo, Patricia, Mathes, Samuel C., Brittain, Alison L., Buchman, Mat, Davis, Emily, Funk, Kevin R., Bogart, Jolie, Ibarra, Diego, Mendez-Gibson, Isaac, Slyby, Julie, Terry, Joseph, Kopchick, John J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2021
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