
Fuzzy Cognitive Scenario Mapping for Causes of Cybersecurity in Telehealth Services

Hospital organizations have adopted telehealth systems to expand their services to a portion of the Brazilian population with limited access to healthcare, mainly due to the geographical distance between their communities and hospitals. The importance and usage of those services have recently increa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Poleto, Thiago, de Carvalho, Victor Diogho Heuer, da Silva, Ayara Letícia Bentes, Clemente, Thárcylla Rebecca Negreiros, Silva, Maísa Mendonça, de Gusmão, Ana Paula Henriques, Costa, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas, Nepomuceno, Thyago Celso Cavalcante
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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