
Metamitron, a Photosynthetic Electron Transport Chain Inhibitor, Modulates the Photoprotective Mechanism of Apple Trees

Chemical thinning of apple fruitlets is an important practice as it reduces the natural fruit load and, therefore, increases the size of the final fruit for commercial markets. In apples, one chemical thinner used is Metamitron, which is sold as the commercial product Brevis(®) (Adama, Ashdod, Israe...

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Autores principales: Tadmor, Yuval, Raz, Amir, Reikin-Barak, Shira, Ambastha, Vivek, Shemesh, Eli, Leshem, Yehoram, Crane, Omer, Stern, Raphael A., Goldway, Martin, Tchernov, Dan, Liran, Oded
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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