
Palliative and prognostic approach in cancer patients identified in the multicentre NECesidades PALiativas 2 study in Argentina

BACKGROUND: Early identification of palliative needs has proven benefits in quality of life, survival and decision-making. The NECesidades PALiativas (NECPAL) Centro Coordinador Organización Mundial de la Salud - Instituto Catalán de Oncología (CCOMS-ICO©) tool combines the physician’s insight with...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tripodoro, Vilma Adriana, Llanos, Victoria, Daud, María Laura, Muñoz, Pilar, Del Mar, Eden, Tranier, Romina, Sandjian, Sol, Lellis, Silvina De, Días, Juan Manuel, Saurí, Alvaro, De Simone, Gustavo Gabriel, Gómez-Batiste, Xavier
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cancer Intelligence 2021
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