
Changes in air quality in Mexico City, London and Delhi in response to various stages and levels of lockdowns and easing of restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic()()

The impacts of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions have provided a valuable global experiment into the extent of improvements in air quality possible with reductions in vehicle movements. Mexico City, London and Delhi all share the problem of air quality failing WHO guideline limits, each with unique sit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vega, E., Namdeo, A., Bramwell, L., Miquelajauregui, Y., Resendiz-Martinez, C.G., Jaimes-Palomera, M., Luna-Falfan, F., Terrazas-Ahumada, A., Maji, K.J., Entwistle, J., Enríquez, J.C. Núñez, Mejia, J.M., Portas, A., Hayes, L., McNally, R.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 2021
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