
Proficiency and Interlaboratory Variability in the Determination of Phthalate and DINCH Biomarkers in Human Urine: Results from the HBM4EU Project

A quality assurance/quality control program was implemented in the framework of the EU project HBM4EU to assess and improve the comparability of biomarker analysis and to build a network of competent laboratories. Four rounds of proficiency tests were organized for 15 phthalate and two DINCH urinary...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mol, Hans G. J., Elbers, Ingrid, Pälmke, Claudia, Bury, Daniel, Göen, Thomas, López, Marta Esteban, Nübler, Stefanie, Vaccher, Vincent, Antignac, Jean-Philippe, Dvořáková, Darina, Hajšlová, Jana, Sakhi, Amrit Kaur, Thomsen, Cathrine, Vorkamp, Katrin, Castaño, Argelia, Koch, Holger M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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