
The Role of Typha angustifilia Fiber–Matrix Bonding Parameters on Interfacial Shear Strength Analysis

The microbond test of natural fibers tends to produce scattered interfacial shear stress (IFSS) values. The sources of this scattering are known, but the roles they play in producing high IFSS scattering remain to be investigated. In this study, a numerical method was used to simulate microbond test...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Huzni, Syifaul, Ikramullah, Ikramullah, Ibrahim, Israr B. M., Fonna, Syarizal, Sukhairi, Teuku Arriessa, Afrizal, Andri, Muksin, Umar, H. P. S., Abdul Khalil, Aprilia, Sri, Rizal, Samsul
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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