
The mRubyFT Protein, Genetically Encoded Blue-to-Red Fluorescent Timer

Genetically encoded monomeric blue-to-red fluorescent timers (mFTs) change their fluorescent color over time. mCherry-derived mFTs were used for the tracking of the protein age, visualization of the protein trafficking, and labeling of engram cells. However, the brightness of the blue and red forms...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Subach, Oksana M., Tashkeev, Aleksandr, Vlaskina, Anna V., Petrenko, Dmitry E., Gaivoronskii, Filipp A., Nikolaeva, Alena Y., Ivashkina, Olga I., Anokhin, Konstantin V., Popov, Vladimir O., Boyko, Konstantin M., Subach, Fedor V.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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