
Events Detection of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments through a Wearable Accelerometer Sensor Is Comparable to That Measured by the Force Platform in Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease

Out-of-the-lab instrumented gait testing focuses on steady-state gait and usually does not include gait initiation (GI) measures. GI involves Anticipatory Postural Adjustments (APAs), which propel the center of mass (COM) forward and laterally before the first step. These movements are impaired in p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lencioni, Tiziana, Meloni, Mario, Bowman, Thomas, Marzegan, Alberto, Caronni, Antonio, Carpinella, Ilaria, Castagna, Anna, Gower, Valerio, Ferrarin, Maurizio, Pelosin, Elisa
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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