
Positionspapier Schlaganfallnachsorge der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft – Teil 3: Strukturelle Konzepte für zukünftige Versorgungsformen der Schlaganfallnachsorge

BACKGROUND: Irrespective of the great impact stroke exerts on the society as a whole and far-reaching advances in acute treatment and rehabilitation of stroke, so far outpatient services for post-stroke care have not been established on a national level in Germany. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Against the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schwarzbach, Christopher J., Michalski, Dominik, Wagner, Markus, Winkler, Tobias, Kaendler, Stephen, Elstner, Matthias, Dreßing, Andrea, Claßen, Joseph, Meisel, Andreas, Grau, Armin
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Medizin 2021
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