
PI(4,5)P2 controls slit diaphragm formation and endocytosis in Drosophila nephrocytes

Drosophila nephrocytes are an emerging model system for mammalian podocytes and proximal tubules as well as for the investigation of kidney diseases. Like podocytes, nephrocytes exhibit characteristics of epithelial cells, but the role of phospholipids in polarization of these cells is yet unclear....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gass, Maximilian M., Borkowsky, Sarah, Lotz, Marie-Luise, Siwek, Rebecca, Schröter, Rita, Nedvetsky, Pavel, Luschnig, Stefan, Rohlmann, Astrid, Missler, Markus, Krahn, Michael P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer International Publishing 2022
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