
Giant malignant sacrococcygeal germ cell tumor in a newborn: A rare case report()

Malignant germ cell tumors constitute about 3%-4% of all neoplasms occurring before the age of 15. They arise in the ovaries, the testes, and in several other locations, including the lower back, the chest, the brain, and the abdomen. In infants and young children, the sacrococcygeal region is the m...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Brillantino, Carmela, Errico, Maria Elena, Minelli, Rocco, Gaglione, Giovanni, Pirisi, Pietro, Rossi, Antonio, Menna, Biagio Francesco, Santarsiere, Marika, Rumolo, Mariateresa, Rossi, Eugenio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2022
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