
Moodle, une pédagogie alternative crédible d’enseignement de la médecine en milieu tropical pour répondre aux grands nombres et aux situations de pandémie?

INTRODUCTION: Moodle is an interactive online education platform, a true virtual amphitheater, breaking down geographical and space barriers, capable of offering continuous education even in times of war or pandemic. AIM: To show the possible contribution of Moodle in the teaching of medicine in tro...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Koama, A., Yaméogo, S.L.C., Yaméogo, B.P., Windsouri, M., Djiguemdé, A., Zongo, N., Aubrège, A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MTSI 2021
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