
EPEN-23. Interaction of epigenetic regulation and telomerase re-activation in high-risk ependymoma

Ependymomas (EPN) account for 10% of pediatric CNS tumors. Among the ten subgroups characterized by DNA methylation profiling, tumors located in the supratentorial region that harbor ZFTA fusions (e.g. ZFTA-RELA), and tumors in the posterior fossa region group A (PF-A) represent the most aggressive...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jaunecker, Carola N, Kirchhofer, Dominik, Madlener, Sibylle, Laemmerer, Anna, Gabler, Lisa, Pirker, Christine, Piontek, Martin, Maaß, Kendra, Okonechnikov, Konstanitin, Englinger, Bernhard, Jiang, Li, Mayr, Lisa, Senfter, Daniel, Spiegl-Kreinecker, Sabine, Stepien, Natalia, Dorfer, Christian, Filbin, Mariella, Kool, Marcel, Gojo, Johannes, Berger, Walter, Loetsch-Gojo, Daniela
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2022
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