
Shaping in the Third Direction; Fabrication of Hemispherical Micro-Concavity Array by Using Large Size Polystyrene Spheres as Template for Direct Self-Assembly of Small Size Silica Spheres

Silica and polystyrene spheres with a small size ratio (r = 0.005) form by sequential hanging drop self-assembly, a binary colloidal crystal through which calcination transforms in a silica-ordered concavity array. These arrays are capable of light Bragg diffraction and shape dependent optical pheno...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sandu, Ion, Fleaca, Claudiu Teodor, Dumitrache, Florian, Sava, Bogdan Alexandru, Urzica, Iuliana, Antohe, Iulia, Brajnicov, Simona, Dumitru, Marius
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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