

BACKGROUND: The “post millennials” in the millennium have gradually become the leaders and protagonists of university campuses. They have distinct personalities and are deeply influenced by the development of network and information technology. Therefore, their aggressive behavior is more likely to...

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Autores principales: Chen, Chuanzhong, Chen, Xifeng, Hou, Siyu, Lin, Shuang, Natthamon, Kongyen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2022
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Sumario:BACKGROUND: The “post millennials” in the millennium have gradually become the leaders and protagonists of university campuses. They have distinct personalities and are deeply influenced by the development of network and information technology. Therefore, their aggressive behavior is more likely to be infinitely magnified by the magnifying glass, which has become a hot and focus issue of general concern in the society. Research shows that college students' aggressive behavior is affected by many psychological factors. Therefore, this study analyzes the psychological factors affecting the aggressive behavior of post-90s college students, combined with the research results and the group characteristics of post-90s college students. At the same time, this paper also focuses on the anxiety sensitivity behind college students' aggressive behavior, so as to provide educational enlightenment for College Ideological and Political Education under the background of media integration. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study used a questionnaire composed of cognitive emotion regulation scale, Chinese version of interpersonal response index scale, active response aggression scale, WSAP hostility scale and Chinese version of adolescent apathy and ruthlessness quality scale. The research subjects include 1698 college students from three universities in Guangxi, two higher vocational colleges and one university in Tianjin. Mplus 8.0 was used for deviation analysis of common methods, and spss24 was used. 0 software was used for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and multiple regression analysis to investigate the current situation and psychological influencing factors of college students after 00. Combined with the Interaction Anxiety Scale (IAS) compiled by Leary, there are 15 questions in total, with a single dimension and a 5-level score. From 1 to 5, it means “very inconsistent” to “very consistent”. The higher the score, the greater the degree of social anxiety. 1.2.2 the emotion regulation self-efficacy scale adopts the emotion regulation self-efficacy scale (RES) revised by Caprara, with 12 questions, which is divided into three dimensions: expressing positive emotions, managing depression / pain emotions and managing anger / anger emotions, with 4 questions in each dimension. A 5-level score is adopted, from 1 to 5, which means “very inconsistent” to “very consistent”. The higher the score, the higher the degree of self-confidence in regulating their emotions. In this study, Cronbach's α The coefficient is 0.80. RESEARCH RESULTS: (1) Most college students show a certain degree of aggressive behavior, but some college students have higher aggressive behavior; (2) There are significant differences in gender, educational background and grade. There is a significant difference between the total score of aggressive behavior and the total score of active aggressive behavior. There were significant differences in the total scores of aggressive behavior, active aggressive behavior and reactive aggressive behavior, while there were significant differences in the total scores of aggressive behavior, active aggressive behavior and reactive aggressive behavior in grades; (3) Coldness, emotion regulation and empathy can significantly predict aggressive behavior. Specifically, ruthlessness, emotion regulation and empathy can significantly predict the total score of aggressive behavior. Cold trait, positive emotion regulation and negative emotion regulation in emotion regulation can significantly predict active aggressive behavior, while cold trait, emotion regulation and empathy can significantly predict reactive aggressive behavior. (4) Social anxiety was significantly negatively correlated with emotional regulation self-efficacy, social anxiety was significantly positively correlated with aggression and depression, emotional regulation self-efficacy was significantly negatively correlated with aggression and depression, and aggression was significantly positively correlated with depression RESEARCH CONCLUSION: Most college students show aggressive behavior, but the degree is not serious. Ruthlessness, emotion regulation and empathy all play an important role in the process of aggressive behavior. However, there are still some deficiencies in this study, such as the lack of longitudinal research data and physiological data. However, this study deeply analyzes the current situation and influencing factors of College Students' aggressive behavior after the millennium, as well as the opportunities and challenges brought to college ideological and political education, so as to further explore the effective strategies to prevent and reduce college students' aggressive behavior. The relevant research can also help to analyze the three special factors of social attention, cognitive attention and physical attention. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This paper is the special subject of 2020 student funding research in the 13th five year plan of Guangxi Education Science, “Research on the effectiveness of precise funding needs of poor college students in ethnic minority areas under the background of big data” (2020ZJY121); 2022 Nanning Normal University Student Work Project: Research on Labor Education for “Post-00” College Students in the New Era (2022XG01).