
Manifestaciones dermatológicas asociadas a la gravedad de la infección por COVID-19. Estudio observacional transversal retrospectivo de 144 pacientes

INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 infection is a disease caused by the type 2 coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) that affects the respiratory mucosa and all those organs that present the type 2 angiotensin receptor (ACE2), within them the skin. Several authors have mentioned...

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Autor principal: Morales González, Abril Del Rocio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier España, S.L.U. 2023
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Sumario:INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 infection is a disease caused by the type 2 coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) that affects the respiratory mucosa and all those organs that present the type 2 angiotensin receptor (ACE2), within them the skin. Several authors have mentioned the importance of reporting and carrying out databases on skin lesions caused by this virus, since it is related to the detection, severity and prognosis of the systemic condition. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out on the cases of patients who presented dermatological manifestations due to COVID-19, registered in the physical database of the National Specialized Hospital of Villa Nueva, Guatemala, from January 1st to December 31, 2021. RESULTS: A total of 144 patients presented dermatological manifestations due to COVID-19, which were: acral lesions (42%), rash (21%), subcutaneous emphysema (12%), oral mucosal lesions (7%), necrosis (6%), erythema multiforme (5%), telogen effluvium (2%), vesicular lesions (2%), urticaria (1%), pityriasis rosea Gibert (1%) and livedo-type lesion (1%). A statistically significant association (p = 0,00) was found in patients who presented dermatological manifestations with vasculonecrotic damage as they were more likely to suffer from severe to critical disease (OR 2,91; 95% CI 1063-3083). CONCLUSIONS: Early identification of cutaneous semiology is essential for timely management of complications associated with COVID-19 disease.