
Water-organizing motif continuity is critical for potent ice nucleation protein activity

Bacterial ice nucleation proteins (INPs) can cause frost damage to plants by nucleating ice formation at high sub-zero temperatures. Modeling of Pseudomonas borealis INP by AlphaFold suggests that the central domain of 65 tandem sixteen-residue repeats forms a beta-solenoid with arrays of outward-po...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Forbes, Jordan, Bissoyi, Akalabya, Eickhoff, Lukas, Reicher, Naama, Hansen, Thomas, Bon, Christopher G., Walker, Virginia K., Koop, Thomas, Rudich, Yinon, Braslavsky, Ido, Davies, Peter L.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2022
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