
Investigation of the evolution of Pd-Pt supported on ceria for dry and wet methane oxidation

Efficiently treating methane emissions in transportation remains a challenge. Here, we investigate palladium and platinum mono- and bimetallic ceria-supported catalysts synthesized by mechanical milling and by traditional impregnation for methane total oxidation under dry and wet conditions, reprodu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Divins, Núria. J., Braga, Andrea, Vendrell, Xavier, Serrano, Isabel, Garcia, Xènia, Soler, Lluís, Lucentini, Ilaria, Danielis, Maila, Mussio, Andrea, Colussi, Sara, Villar-Garcia, Ignacio J., Escudero, Carlos, Trovarelli, Alessandro, Llorca, Jordi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2022
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