
Diversity oriented clicking delivers β-substituted alkenyl sulfonyl fluorides as covalent human neutrophil elastase inhibitors

Diversity Oriented Clicking (DOC) is a discovery method geared toward the rapid synthesis of functional libraries. It combines the best attributes of both classical and modern click chemistries. DOC strategies center upon the chemical diversification of core “SuFExable” hubs—exemplified by 2-Substit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cheng, Yunfei, Li, Gencheng, Smedley, Christopher J., Giel, Marie-Claire, Kitamura, Seiya, Woehl, Jordan L., Bianco, Giulia, Forli, Stefano, Homer, Joshua A., Cappiello, John R., Wolan, Dennis W., Moses, John E., Sharpless, K. Barry
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: National Academy of Sciences 2022
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