
Subtotal Pleurectomy with Intrathoracic Chemo Hyperthermia (HITHOC) for IVa Thymomas: De Novo Versus Recurrent Pleural Disease

SIMPLE SUMMARY: Stage IVa thymomas are rare entities in thoracic oncology without a standard of care. Evidence-based guidelines for the management of located pleural carcinomatosis are lacking. Surgery when feasible has an excellent prognostic factor. However, the technical choice is vast, from extr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chappuy, Benjamin, Drevet, Gabrielle, Clermidy, Hugo, Rosamel, Pascal, Duruisseaux, Mickael, Couraud, Sebastien, Grima, Renaud, Soldea, Valentin, Chalabreysse, Lara, Tronc, François, Girard, Nicolas, Maury, Jean-Michel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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