
Continent ileocaecocystoplasty bladder augmentation following a failed appendicovesicostomy on pediatric bladder neck stricture due to pelvic fracture urethral injury: A case report

Pelvic fracture urethral injury (PFUI) in pediatrics is rare, may involve the bladder neck, and may lead to obstruction and urinary incontinence as a lifelong disability. A 9-year-old female patient had a bladder neck injury related to PFUI after an accident when she was 6 years old and had urinary...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Christanto, Abraham Gita Ramanda, Daniswara, Nanda, Raharjo, Rudiyuwono, Santosa, Ardy, Nugroho, Eriawan Agung, Addin, Sofyan Rais
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2022
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