
84. One-month Humoral Response Following Two Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines in Specific populations – ANRS0001S COV POPART Cohort Study

BACKGROUND: We evaluated the immune response to COVID-19 vaccines in several specific populations at high risk of severe COVID-19. METHODS: Participants from the French national multi-center prospective cohort study ANRS0001S COV-POPART were included (11 specific subpopulations: and 2 control groups...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: LOUBET, Paul, Wittkop, L I nda, Chalouni, Mathieu, Laplaud, David-Axel, Laville, Martine, Laviolle, Bruno, Lelièvre, Jean-Daniel, Blay, Jean-Yves, Barrou, Benoit, Terrier, Benjamin, Esterle, Laure, Nguyen, Stephanie, Levier, Axel, Tartour, Eric, de Lamballerie, Xavier, Launay, Odile
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2022
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