
Which socio-demographic patterns influence nursing managers’ empowerment perceptions among nurses? An investigatory study

AIM OF THE WORK. Nurses were the most numerous healthcare workers employed in the current Italian healthcare systems. By considering them the driving force of the healthcare systems, the present study aimed to investigate which socio-demographic characteristics in nurses could influence empowerment...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vitale, Elsa, Calabrò, Antonino, Ilari, Federica, Ercolani, Maurizio, Mea, Rocco, Benedetto, Angelo, Capizzello, Donatella, Lezzi, Alessia, Zacchino, Simone, Marzullo, Mirko, Marzullo, Stefano, Lupo, Roberto
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Mattioli 1885 2022
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