Rezultaty 1 - 4 Rezultaty od 4 Dla wyszukiwania '"architect"', Czas wyszukiwania: 0,07s Redukuj rezultaty
  1. 1
    “…Rationally designed architected materials have attained previously untapped territories in materials property space. …”
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  2. 2
    “…We present a new class of architected materials called field responsive mechanical metamaterials (FRMMs) that exhibit dynamic control and on-the-fly tunability enabled by careful design and selection of both material composition and architecture. …”
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  3. 3
    “…Materials with a stochastic microstructure, like foams, typically exhibit low mechanical stiffness, whereas lattices with a designed microarchitecture often show notably improved stiffness. These periodic architected materials have previously been designed by rule, using the Maxwell criterion to ensure that their deformation is dominated by the stretching of their struts. …”
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  4. 4
    “…Lightweight, micro-architected composite SMPs may overcome these size limitations and offer the ability to combine functional properties (e.g., electrical conductivity) with shape memory behavior. …”
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