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Indígenas de México
Part-songs, German
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Vocal trios, Unaccompanied
Aspectos sociales
Implantes dentarios
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Medios de comunicación de masas
Musical settings
Religión y mitología
Vida social y costumbres
Vocal quintets, Unaccompanied
Alimentación y alimentos
Arte moderno
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741por Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adye, T, Ajinenko, I, Alekseev, G D, Alemany, R, Allport, P P, Almehed, S, Amaldi, Ugo, Amato, S, Andreazza, A, Andrieux, M L, Antilogus, P, Apel, W D, Åsman, B, Augustin, J E, Augustinus, A, Baillon, Paul, Bambade, P, Barão, F, Barate, R, Barbi, M S, Bardin, Dimitri Yuri, Baroncelli, A, Bärring, O, Barrio, J A, Bartl, Walter, Bates, M J, Battaglia, Marco, Baubillier, M, Baudot, J, Becks, K H, Begalli, M, Beillière, P, Belokopytov, Yu A, Belous, K S, Benvenuti, Alberto C, Berggren, M, Bertini, D, Bertrand, D, Besançon, M, Bianchi, F, Bigi, M, Bilenky, S M, Billoir, P, Bizouard, M A, Bloch, D, Blume, M, Bolognese, T, Bonesini, M, Bonivento, W, Booth, P S L, Bosio, C, Botner, O, Boudinov, E, Bouquet, B, Bourdarios, C, Bowcock, T J V, Bozzo, M, Branchini, P, Brand, K D, Brenke, T, Brenner, R A, Bricman, C, Brown, R C A, Brückman, P, Brunet, J M, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burgsmüller, T, Buschmann, P, Buys, A, Cabrera, S, Caccia, M, Calvi, M, Camacho-Rozas, A J, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Canepa, M, Cankocak, K, Cao, F, Carena, F, Carroll, L, Caso, Carlo, Castillo-Gimenez, M V, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F R, Chabaud, V, Charpentier, P, Chaussard, L, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G A, Chen, M, Chierici, R, Chliapnikov, P V, Chochula, P, Chorowicz, V, Chudoba, J, Cindro, V, Collins, P, Contri, R, Cortina, E, Cosme, G, Cossutti, F, Cowell, J H, Crawley, H B, Crennell, D J, Crosetti, G, Cuevas-Maestro, J, Czellar, S, Dahl-Jensen, Erik, Dahm, J, D'Almagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Dauncey, P D, Davenport, Martyn, Da Silva, W, Defoix, C, Deghorain, A, Della Ricca, G, Delpierre, P A, Demaria, N, De Angelis, A, de Boer, Wim, De Brabandere, S, De Clercq, C, La Vaissière, C de, De Lotto, B, De Min, A, De Paula, L S, De Saint-Jean, C, Dijkstra, H, Di Ciaccio, Lucia, Di Diodato, A, Djama, F, Dolbeau, J, Dönszelmann, M, Doroba, K, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Drees, K A, Dris, M, Durand, J D, Edsall, D M, Ehret, R, Eigen, G, Ekelöf, T J C, Ekspong, Gösta, Elsing, M, Engel, J P, Erzen, B, Espirito-Santo, M C, Falk, E, Fassouliotis, D, Feindt, Michael, Fenyuk, A, Ferrer, A, Fichet, S, Filippas-Tassos, A, Firestone, A, Fischer, P A, Föth, H, Fokitis, E, Fontanelli, F, Formenti, F, Franek, B J, Frenkiel, P, Fries, D E C, Frodesen, A G, Fulda-Quenzer, F, Fuster, J A, Galloni, A, Gamba, D, Gandelman, M, García, C, García, J, Gaspar, C, Gasparini, U, Gavillet, P, Gazis, E N, Gelé, D, Gerber, J P, Gerdyukov, L N, Gokieli, R, Golob, B, Gopal, Gian P, Gorn, L, Górski, M, Guz, Yu, Gracco, Valerio, Graziani, E, Green, C, Grefrath, A, Gris, P, Grosdidier, G, Grzelak, K, Gumenyuk, S A, Gunnarsson, P, Günther, M, Guy, J, Hahn, F, Hahn, S, Hajduk, Z, Hallgren, A, Hamacher, K, Harris, F J, Hedberg, V, Henriques, R P, Hernández, J J, Herquet, P, Herr, H, Hessing, T L, Higón, E, Hilke, Hans Jürgen, Hill, T S, Holmgren, S O, Holt, P J, Holthuizen, D J, Hoorelbeke, S, Houlden, M A, Hrubec, Josef, Huet, K, Hultqvist, K, Jackson, J N, Jacobsson, R, Jalocha, P, Janik, R, Jarlskog, C, Jarlskog, G, Jarry, P, Jean-Marie, B, Johansson, E K, Jönsson, L B, Jönsson, P E, Joram, Christian, Juillot, P, Kaiser, M, Kapusta, F, Karafasoulis, K, Karlsson, M, Karvelas, E, Katsanevas, S, Katsoufis, E C, Keränen, R, Khokhlov, Yu A, Khomenko, B A, Khovanskii, N N, King, B J, Kjaer, N J, Klapp, O, Klein, H, Klovning, A, Kluit, P M, Köne, B, Kokkinias, P, Koratzinos, M, Korcyl, K, Kostyukhin, V, Kourkoumelis, C, Kuznetsov, O, Krammer, Manfred, Kreuter, C, Kronkvist, I J, Krumshtein, Z, Krupinski, W, Kubinec, P, Kucewicz, W, Kurvinen, K L, Lacasta, C, Laktineh, I, Lamsa, J, Lanceri, L, Lane, D W, Langefeld, P, Lapin, V, Laugier, J P, Lauhakangas, R, Leder, Gerhard, Ledroit, F, Lefébure, V, Legan, C K, Leitner, R, Lemonne, J, Lenzen, Georg, Lepeltier, V, Lesiak, T, Libby, J, Liko, D, Lindner, R, Lipniacka, A, Lippi, I, Lörstad, B, Loken, J G, López, J M, Loukas, D, Lutz, P, Lyons, L, MacNaughton, J N, Maehlum, G, Mahon, J R, Malmgren, T G M, Malychev, V, Mandl, F, Marco, J, Marco, R P, Maréchal, B, Margoni, M, Marin, J C, Mariotti, C, Markou, A, Martínez-Rivero, C, Martínez-Vidal, F, Martí i García, S, Masik, J, Matorras, F, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mazzucato, M, McCubbin, M L, McKay, R, McNulty, R, Medbo, J, Merk, M, Meroni, C, Meyer, S, Meyer, W T, Michelotto, M, Migliore, E, Mirabito, L, Mitaroff, Winfried A, Mjörnmark, U, Moa, T, Møller, R, Mönig, K, Monge, M R, Morettini, P, Müller, H, Münich, K, Mulders, M, Mundim, L M, Murray, W J, Muryn, B, Myatt, Gerald, Naraghi, F, Navarria, Francesco Luigi, Navas, S, Nawrocki, K, Negri, P, Neumann, W, Neumeister, N, Nicolaidou, R, Nielsen, B S, Nieuwenhuizen, M, Nikolaenko, V, Niss, P, Nomerotski, A, Normand, Ainsley, Novák, M, Oberschulte-Beckmann, W, Obraztsov, V F, Olshevskii, A G, Onofre, A, Orava, Risto, Österberg, K, Ouraou, A, Paganini, P, Paganoni, M, Pagès, P, Pain, R, Palka, H, Papadopoulou, T D, Papageorgiou, K, Pape, L, Parkes, C, Parodi, F, Passeri, A, Pegoraro, M, Peralta, L, Pernegger, H, Pernicka, Manfred, Perrotta, A, Petridou, C, Petrolini, A, Petrovykh, M, Phillips, H T, Piana, G, Pierre, F, Pimenta, M, Podobrin, O, Pol, M E, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Pozdnyakov, V, Privitera, P, Pukhaeva, N, Pullia, Antonio, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Rahmani, H, Rames, J, Ratoff, P N, Read, A L, Reale, M, Rebecchi, P, Redaelli, N G, Regler, Meinhard, Reid, D, Renton, P B, Resvanis, L K, Richard, F, Richardson, J, Rídky, J, Rinaudo, G, Ripp, I, Romero, A, Roncagliolo, I, Ronchese, P, Roos, L, Rosenberg, E I, Rosso, E, Roudeau, Patrick, Rovelli, T, Rückstuhl, W, Ruhlmann-Kleider, V, Ruiz, A, Rybicki, K, Saarikko, H, Sacquin, Yu, Sadovskii, A, Sahr, O, Sajot, G, Salt, J, Sánchez, J, Sannino, M, Schimmelpfennig, M, Schneider, H, Schwickerath, U, Schyns, M A E, Sciolla, G, Scuri, F, Seager, P, Sedykh, Yu, Segar, A M, Seitz, A, Sekulin, R L, Serbelloni, L, Shellard, R C, Siegrist, P, Silvestre, R, Simonetti, S, Simonetto, F, Sissakian, A N, Sitár, B, Skaali, T B, Smadja, G, Smirnova, O G, Smith, G R, Sokolov, A, Sosnowski, R, Souza-Santos, D, Spassoff, Tz, Spiriti, E, Sponholz, P, Squarcia, S, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, Steinar, Stavitski, I, Stevenson, K, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Strub, R, Stugu, B, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Tabarelli de Fatis, T, Tavernet, J P, Chikilev, O G, Thomas, J, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Tkatchev, L G, Todorov, T, Todorova, S, Toet, D Z, Tomaradze, A G, Tomé, B, Tonazzo, A, Tortora, L, Tranströmer, G, Treille, D, Trischuk, W, Tristram, G, Trombini, A, Troncon, C, Tsirou, A L, Turluer, M L, Tyapkin, I A, Tyndel, M, Tzamarias, S, Überschär, B, Ullaland, O, Uvarov, V, Valenti, G, Vallazza, E, van Apeldoorn, G W, van Dam, P, Van Eldik, J, Van Lysebetten, A, Vassilopoulos, N, Vegni, G, Ventura, L, Venus, W A, Verbeure, F, Verlato, M, Vertogradov, L S, Vilanova, D, Vincent, P, Vitale, L, Vlasov, E, Vodopyanov, A S, Vrba, V, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Weierstall, M, Weilhammer, Peter, Weiser, C, Wetherell, Alan M, Wicke, D, Wickens, J H, Wielers, M, Wilkinson, G R, Williams, W S C, Winter, M, Witek, M, Wlodek, T, Woschnagg, K, Yip, K, Yushchenko, O P, Zach, F, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska-Bak, A, Zalewski, Piotr, Zavrtanik, D, Zevgolatakos, E, Zimin, N I, Zito, M, Zontar, D, Zucchelli, G C, Zumerle, G“…An upper limit for $BR(Z^0\ rightarrow 3g)$ is obtained from a correlation method, which distinguishes statistically between quark and gluon jets by using the difference in their charged particle multiplicity distributions. …”
Publicado 1996
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745por Zhu, Wei, Xie, Zhengqing, Chu, Zhenni, Ding, Yakun, Shi, Gongyao, Chen, Weiwei, Wei, Xiaochun, Yuan, Yuxiang, Wei, Fang, Tian, Baoming“…In this study, we identified a novel SHPRH member BrCHR39 and obtained BrCHR39-silenced transgenic Brassica rapa. …”
Publicado 2023
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747por Yang, Lin, Wu, Xiaoyu, Liu, Shangjia, Zhang, Lina, Li, Ting, Cao, Yunyun, Duan, Qiaohong“…The expression levels of BrHMP14, BrHMP16, BrHMP32, BrHMP41, and BrHMP42 were upregulated under Cu(2+), Cd(2+), Zn(2+), and Pb(2+) stresses. …”
Publicado 2023
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748por Senges, Christoph H. R., Warmuth, Helen L., Vázquez-Hernández, Melissa, Uzun, Huriye Deniz, Sagurna, Leonie, Dietze, Pascal, Schmidt, Claudia, Mücher, Brix, Herlitze, Stefan, Krämer, Ute, Ott, Ingo, Pomorski, Thomas Günther, Bandow, Julia E.“…A liposome model confirmed that 4-Br-A23187 acts as copper ionophore in vitro.…”
Publicado 2022
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749por Parusnath, Myuri, Naidoo, Yougasphree, Singh, Moganavelli, Kianersi, Farzad, Dewir, Yaser HassanEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2023
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Online Artículo Texto -
750por Rodríguez-Fernández, Mabel, Piñero, José Carlos, Alcántara, Rodrigo, Gallardo, Juan Jesús, Navas, Javier“…In the present work, Pd-doped CsPbBr(3) perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized and characterized. …”
Publicado 2023
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751por Gunguniya, Darshanaben F., Kumar, Sushil, Patel, Mukesh P., Sakure, Amar A., Patel, Rumit, Kumar, Dileep, Khandelwal, VikasEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2023
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752por Zhao, Ting, Zhang, Xuan, Nong, Xu-Hua, Zhou, Xue-Ming, Chai, Ru-Ru, Li, Xiao-Bao, Chen, Guang-YingEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2023
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753por Fykouras, Kostas, Lahnsteiner, Jonathan, Leupold, Nico, Tinnemans, Paul, Moos, Ralf, Panzer, Fabian, de Wijs, Gilles A., Bokdam, Menno, Grüninger, Helen, Kentgens, Arno P. M.“…Here, we study the methylammonium (MA) reorientational dynamics in mixed halide MAPbI(3−x)Br(x) perovskites by a combined approach of experimental solid-state NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on machine-learning force-fields (MLFF). (207)Pb NMR spectra indicate the halides are randomly distributed over their lattice positions, whereas PXRD measurements show that all mixed MAPbI(3−x)Br(x) samples are cubic. …”
Publicado 2023
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754“…This paper demonstrates the generation of broadband emission in the visible and infrared ranges induced by a concentrated beam of infrared radiation from CsPbBr(3) ceramics doped with Yb(3+) ions. The sample was obtained by the conventional solid-state reaction method, and XRD measurements confirmed the phase purity of the material crystallizing in the orthorhombic system. …”
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755por Romero-Pérez, Carlos, Delgado, Natalia Fernández, Herrera-Collado, Miriam, Calvo, Mauricio E., Míguez, Hernán“…In this work, we obtain highly transparent films containing FAPbBr(3) quantum dots that display a narrow green emission (λ = 530 nm, full width at half-maximum (FWHM) = 23 nm) with a PLQY as high as 86%. …”
Publicado 2023
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756por Qin, Feng, Zhao, Rui, Zhu, Wei Feng, Deng, Ning Qin, Jiao, Zhi Wei, Tang, Xian Qiang, Wu, Jin Jie“…The absorption efficiency and mass attenuation coefficient of MAPbBr(3) crystals were calculated in the energy range of 30 keV to 100 keV. …”
Publicado 2023
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757por Chruszcz-Lipska, Katarzyna, Szostak, Elżbieta, Zborowski, Krzysztof Kazimierz, Knapik, Ewa“…The paper presents a study of the crystal structure of anhydrous halides LiF, LiCl and LiBr using density functional theory. Models composed of 125 atoms were used for this study. …”
Publicado 2023
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758por Zhang, Jun, He, Zixin, Gao, Chuchu, Tao, Yanyan, Liang, Feng, Li, Guannan, Gao, Benling, Song, Guang“…In this work, a new family of 2D Cr(2)TeX(2) (X = I, Br, Cl) monolayers has been predicted using first-principles calculations. …”
Publicado 2023
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759por Beltrão, Julianna Rodrigues, Beltrão, Marianna Rodrigues, Bernardelli, Rafaella Stradiotto, Franco, Renato Soleiman, Epstein, Elizabeth G., Corradi-Perini, Carla“…The MMD-HP BR is composed of 27 Likert-rated items for frequency and intensity of moral distress. …”
Publicado 2023
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