41por Khachatryan, M, Papadopoulou, A, Ashkenazi, A, Hauenstein, F, Nambrath, A, Hrnjic, A, Weinstein, L B, Hen, O, Piasetzky, E, Betancourt, M, Dytman, S, Mahn, K, Coloma, P, Adhikari, S, Amaryan, M J, Angelini, Giovanni, Atac, H, Barion, L, Battaglieri, M, Bedlinskiy, I, Beck, A, Benmokhtar, F, Bianconi, A, Biselli, A S, Bossu, F, Boiarinov, S, Briscoe, W J, Brooks, W K, Bulumulla, D, Burkert, V D, Carman, D S, Carvajal, J C, Celentano, A, Chatagnon, P, Chesnokov, V, Chetry, T, Ciullo, G, Clark, L, Clary, B A, Cohen, E O, Cole, P L, Contalbrigo, M, Crede, V, Cruz-Torres, R, D’Angelo, A, Dashyan, N, De Vita, R, Defurne, M, Denniston, A, Deur, A, Diehl, S, Djalali, C, Duer, M, Dupre, R, Egiyan, H, Ehrhart, M, El Alaoui, A, El Fassi, L, Elouadrhiri, L, Eugenio, P, Fersch, R, Filippi, A, Forest, T A, Gavalian, G, Gilfoyle, G P, Giovanetti, K L, Girod, F X, Glazier, D I, Golovatch, E, Gothe, R W, Griffioen, K A, Guidal, M, Guo, L, Hakobyan, H, Hattawy, M, Hayward, T B, Heddle, D, Hicks, K, Hobart, A, Holtrop, M, Ilieva, Y, Ireland, D G, Ishkhanov, B S, Isupov, E L, Jo, H S, Joo, K, Keller, D, Khanal, A, Khandaker, M, Kim, C W, Kim, W, Korover, I, Kubarovsky, V, Kuhn, S E, Lanza, L, Leali, M, Lenisa, P, Livingston, K, MacGregor, I J D, Marchand, D, Markov, N, Marsicano, L, Mascagna, V, McKinnon, B, May-Tal Beck, S, Mineeva, T, Mirazita, M, Mokeev, V, Movsisyan, A, Munoz Camacho, C, Nadel-Turonski, P, Neupane, K, Niccolai, S, Niculescu, G, Osipenko, M, Ostrovidov, A I, Paolone, M, Pappalardo, L L, Paremuzyan, R, Park, K, Pasyuk, E, Pogorelko, O, Poudel, J, Prok, Y, Protopopescu, D, Pybus, J, Ripani, M, Raue, B, Ritman, J, Rizzo, A, Rosner, G, Rossi, P, Sabati, F, Salgado, C, Schmidt, A, Schumacher, R A, Segarra, E P, Sharabian, Y G, Shrestha, U, Skorodumina, Iu, Sokhan, D, Soto, O, Sparveris, N, Stepanyan, S, Strakovsky, I I, Strauch, S, Tyler, N, Tyson, R, Ungaro, M, Venturelli, L, Voskanyan, H, Voutier, E, Watts, D, Wei, X, Wood, M H, Zachariou, N, Zhang, J, Zhao, Z W, Dolan, S, Megias, G D, Gardiner, SEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2021
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42por Accardi, A., Achenbach, P., Adhikari, D., Afanasev, A., Akondi, C.S., Akopov, N., Albaladejo, M., Albataineh, H., Albrecht, M., Almeida-Zamora, B., Amaryan, M., Androić, D., Armstrong, W., Armstrong, D.S., Arratia, M., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Austregesilo, A., Avagyan, H., Averett, T., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bacchetta, A., Balantekin, A.B., Baltzell, N., Barion, L., Barry, P.C., Bashir, A., Battaglieri, M., Bellini, V., Belov, I., Benhar, O., Benkel, B., Benmokhtar, F., Bentz, W., Bertone, V., Bhatt, H., Bianconi, A., Bibrzycki, L., Bijker, R., Binosi, D., Biswas, D., Boër, M., Boeglin, W., Bogacz, S.A., Boglione, M., Bondí, M., Boos, E.E., Bosted, P., Bozzi, G., Brash, E.J., Briceño, R.A., Brindza, P.D., Briscoe, W.J., Brodsky, S.J., Brooks, W.K., Burkert, V.D., Camsonne, A., Cao, T., Cardman, L.S., Carman, D.S., Carpinelli, M., Cates, G.D., Caylor, J., Celentano, A., Celiberto, F.G., Cerutti, M., Chang, Lei, Chatagnon, P., Chen, C., Chen, J-P, Chetry, T., Christopher, A., Christy, E., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Cloët, I.C., Cobos-Martinez, J.J., Cohen, E.O., Colangelo, P., Cole, P.L., Constantinou, M., Contalbrigo, M., Costantini, G., Cosyn, W., Cotton, C., Courtoy, A., Dusa, S. Covrig, Crede, V., Cui, Z.-F., D'Angelo, A., Döring, M., Dalton, M.M., Danilkin, I., Davydov, M., Day, D., De Fazio, F., De Napoli, M., De Vita, R., Dean, D.J., Defurne, M., Deur, A., Devkota, B., Dhital, S., Di Nezza, P., Diefenthaler, M., Diehl, S., Dilks, C., Ding, M., Djalali, C., Dobbs, S., Dupré, R., Dutta, D., Edwards, R.G., Egiyan, H., Ehinger, L., Eichmann, G., Elaasar, M., Elouadrhiri, L., El Alaoui, A., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Engelhardt, M., Ent, R., Ernst, D.J., Eugenio, P., Evans, G., Fanelli, C., Fegan, S., Fernández-Ramírez, C., Fernandez, L.A., Fernando, I.P., Filippi, A., Fischer, C.S., Fogler, C., Fomin, N., Frankfurt, L., Frederico, T., Freese, A., Fu, Y., Gamberg, L., Gan, L., Gao, F., Garcia-Tecocoatzi, H., Gaskell, D., Gasparian, A., Gates, K., Gavalian, G., Ghoshal, P.K., Giachino, A., Giacosa, F., Giannuzzi, F., Gilfoyle, G.-P., Girod, F-X, Glazier, D.I., Gleason, C., Godfrey, S., Goity, J.L., Golubenko, A.A., Gonzàlez-Solís, S., Gothe, R.W., Gotra, Y., Griffioen, K., Grocholski, O., Grube, B., Guèye, P., Guo, F.-K., Guo, Y., Guo, L., Hague, T.J., Hammoud, N., Hansen, J.-O., Hattawy, M., Hauenstein, F., Hayward, T., Heddle, D., Heinrich, N., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D.W., Higuera-Angulo, I.M., Hiller Blin, A.N., Hobart, A., Hobbs, T., Holmberg, D.E., Horn, T., Hoyer, P., Huber, G.M., Hurck, P., Hutauruk, P.T.P., Ilieva, Y., Illari, I., Ireland, D.G., Isupov, E.L., Italiano, A., Jaegle, I., Jarvis, N.S., Jenkins, DJ, Jeschonnek, S., Ji, C-R., Jo, H.S., Jones, M., Jones, R.T., Jones, D.C., Joo, K., Junaid, M., Kageya, T., Kalantarians, N., Karki, A., Karyan, G., Katramatou, A.T., Kay, S.J.D., Kazimi, R., Keith, C.D., Keppel, C., Kerbizi, A., Khachatryan, V., Khanal, A., Khandaker, M., Kim, A., Kinney, E.R., Kohl, M., Kotzinian, A., Kriesten, B.T., Kubarovsky, V., Kubis, B., Kuhn, S.E., Kumar, V., Kutz, T., Leali, M., Lebed, R.F., Lenisa, P., Leskovec, L., Li, S., Li, X., Liao, J., Lin, H.-W., Liu, L., Liuti, S., Liyanage, N., Lu, Y., MacGregor, I.J.D., Mack, D.J., Maiani, L., Mamo, K.A., Mandaglio, G., Mariani, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., Mascagna, V., Mathieu, V., Maxwell, J., Mazouz, M., McCaughan, M., McKeown, R.D., McKinnon, B., Meekins, D., Melnitchouk, W., Metz, A., Meyer, C.A., Meziani, Z.-E., Mezrag, C., Michaels, R., Miller, G.A., Mineeva, T., Miramontes, A.S., Mirazita, M., Mizutani, K., Mkrtchyan, H., Mkrtchyan, A., Moffit, B., Mohanmurthy, P., Mokeev, V.I., Monaghan, P., Montaña, G., Montgomery, R., Moretti, A., Chàvez, J.M. Morgado, Mosel, U., Movsisyan, A., Musico, P., Nadeeshani, S.A., Nadolsky, P.M., Nakamura, S.X., Nazeer, J., Nefediev, A.V., Neupane, K., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, I., Niculescu, G., Nocera, E.R., Nycz, M., Olness, F.I., Ortega, P.G., Osipenko, M., Pace, E., Pandey, B., Pandey, P., Papandreou, Z., Papavassiliou, J., Pappalardo, L.L., Paredes-Torres, G., Paremuzyan, R., Park, S., Parsamyan, B., Paschke, K.D., Pasquini, B., Passemar, E., Pasyuk, E., Patel, T., Paudel, C., Paul, S.J., Peng, J-C., Pentchev, L., Perrino, R., Perry, R.J., Peters, K., Petratos, G.G., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pilloni, A., Pire, B., Pitonyak, D., Pitt, M.L., Polosa, A.D., Pospelov, M., Postuma, A.C., Poudel, J., Preet, L., Prelovsek, S., Price, J.W., Prokudin, A., Puckett, A.J.R., Pybus, J.R., Qin, S.-X., Qiu, J.-W., Radici, M., Rashidi, H., Rathnayake, A.D., Raue, B.A., Reed, T., Reimer, P.E., Reinhold, J., Richard, J.-M., Rinaldi, M., Ringer, F., Ripani, M., Ritman, J., Rittenhouse West, J., Rivero-Acosta, A., Roberts, C.D., Rodas, A., Rodini, S., Rodríguez-Quintero, J., Rogers, T.C., Rojo, J., Rossi, P., Rossi, G.C., Salmè, G., Santiesteban, S.N., Santopinto, E., Sargsian, M., Sato, N., Schadmand, S., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, S.M., Schnell, G., Schumacher, R.A., Schweitzer, P., Scimemi, I., Scott, K.C., Seay, D.A., Segovia, J., Semenov-Tian-Shansky, K., Seryi, A., Sharda, A.S., Shepherd, M.R., Shirokov, E.V., Shrestha, S., Shrestha, U., Shvedunov, V.I., Signori, A., Slifer, K.J., Smith, W.A., Somov, A., Souder, P., Sparveris, N., Spizzo, F., Spreafico, M., Stepanyan, S., Stevens, J.R., Strakovsky, I.I., Strauch, S., Strikman, M., Su, S., Sumner, B.C.L., Sun, E., Suresh, M., Sutera, C., Swanson, E.S., Szczepaniak, A.P., Sznajder, P., Szumila-Vance, H., Szymanowski, L., Tadepalli, A.-S., Tadevosyan, V., Tamang, B., Tarasov, V.V., Thiel, A., Tong, X.-B., Tyson, R., Ungaro, M., Urciuoli, G.M., Usman, A., Valcarce, A., Vallarino, S., Vaquera-Araujo, C.A., Venturelli, L., Vera, F., Vladimirov, A., Vossen, A., Wagner, J., Wei, X., Weinstein, L.B., Weiss, C., Williams, R., Winney, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Wood, M.H., Xiao, T., Xu, S.-S., Ye, Z., Yero, C., Yuan, C.-P., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z.W., Zhao, Y., Zheng, X., Zhou, X., Ziegler, V., Zihlmann, B., de Paula, W., de Téramond, G.F.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2023
43por Ryzka, Jakub“…Also a brief prospects for further analyses (especially including Ξc barion decay) will be presented.…”
Publicado 2019
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44“…We therefore built a setup to reach $1⋅10^{-13}$mbar in order to simultaneously compare different hot cathode ionization gauges with the ability to measure high UHV and XHV close to their lower pressure limit: Barion extended, Extractor IE514, a modulated Bayard–Alpert gauge and two Improved Helmer gauges. …”
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45por Biesuz, Nicol Vladi“…In example the Standard Model does not explain the hierarchy between the weak and Planck scales, nor it includes a dark matter candidate, nor it explain the origin of barion asymmetry. For this reason, one of the goals of particle physics research is to find new hints of physics beyond the Standard Model that could answer some of these questions. …”
Publicado 2019
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46por Anoshin, A I“…The empirical formulae for the masses of light mesons, barions and u-, d-, s-'current' quarks was obtained. …”
Publicado 2002
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47por Comay, Ofer“…Among others, he predicted that the Higgs particle, Dirac monopoles, glueballs, SQM, pentaquarks, di-barions and the electric Aharanov-Bohm effect would not be found.…”
Publicado 2011
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48“…By using Supernovae Ia, Barionic Acoustic Oscillations, Cosmic Microwave Background and H(z) data, the free parameters of the model are well constrained. …”
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