Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Aspectos sociales
Desarrollo sostenible
Abastecimiento de agua
Administración de personal
Administración por objetivos
Análisis transaccional
Artículo de Investigación
Asistencia económica
Aspectos ambientales
Aspectos económicos
Aspectos políticos
Aspectos psicológicos
Biodiversidad marina
Biología costera
Biología de estuarios
Budismo Zen
Condiciones económicas
401por Adeva, B, Adriani, O, Aguilar-Benítez, M, Akbari, H, Alcaraz, J, Aloisio, A, Alverson, G, Alviggi, M G, Ambrosi, G, An, Q, Anderhub, H, Anderson, A L, Andreev, V P, Angelov, T, Antonov, L, Antreasyan, D, Arce, P, Arefev, A, Azemoon, T, Aziz, T, Baba, P V K S, Bagnaia, P, Bakken, J A, Baksay, L, Ball, R C, Banerjee, S, Bao, J, Barillère, R, Barone, L, Battiston, R, Bay, A, Becker, U, Behner, F, Behrens, J, Beingessner, S, Bencze, G L, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Betev, B L, Biland, A, Bilei, G M, Bizzarri, R, Blaising, J J, Blömeke, P, Blumenfeld, B, Bobbink, Gerjan J, Bocciolini, M, Böck, R K, Böhm, A, Borgia, B, Bourilkov, D, Bourquin, Maurice, Boutigny, D, Bouwens, B T, Brambilla, Elena, Branson, J G, Brock, I C, Bruyant, F, Buisson, C, Bujak, A T, Burger, J D, Burq, J P, Busenitz, J K, Cai, X D, Capell, M, Caria, M, Carminati, F, Cartacci, A M, Cerrada-Canales, M, Cesaroni, F, Chang, Y H, Chaturvedi, U K, Chemarin, M, Chen, A, Chen, C, Chen, G M, Chen, H F, Chen, H S, Chen, M, Chen, M L, Chen, W Y, Chiefari, G, Chien, C Y, Chmeissani, M, Civinini, C, Clare, I, Clare, R, Cohn, H O, Coignet, G, Colino, N, Commichau, V, Conforto, G, Contin, A, Crijns, F, Cui, X Y, Dai, T S, D'Alessandro, R, De Asmundis, R, Degré, A, Deiters, K, Dénes, E, Denes, P, De Notaristefani, F, Dhina, M, DiBitonto, Daryl, Diemoz, M, Dimitrov, H R, Dionisi, C, Dova, M T, Drago, E, Driever, T, Duchesneau, D, Duinker, P, Durán, I, El-Mamouni, H, Engler, A, Eppling, F J, Erné, F C, Extermann, Pierre, Fabbretti, R, Fabre, M, Falciano, S, Fan, Q, Fan, S J, Fackler, O, Fay, J, Ferguson, T, Fernández, G, Ferroni, F, Fesefeldt, H S, Fiandrini, E, Field, J, Filthaut, Frank, Finocchiaro, G, Fisher, P H, Forconi, G, Foreman, T, Freudenreich, Klaus, Friebel, W, Fukushima, M, Gailloud, M, Galaktionov, Yu, Gallo, E, Ganguli, S N, García-Abia, P, Gau, S S, Gelé, D, Gentile, S, Glaubman, M, Goldfarb, S, Gong, Z F, González, E, Gordeev, A, Göttlicher, P, Goujon, D, Gratta, Giorgio, Grinnell, C, Grünewald, M W, Guanziroli, M, Guo, J K, Gurtu, A, Gustafson, H R, Gutay, L J, Haan, H, Hasan, A, Hauschildt, D, He, C F, Hebbeker, T, Hebert, M, Herten, G, Herten, U, Hervé, A, Hilgers, K, Hofer, H, Hoorani, H, Hsu, L S, Hu, G, Hu, G Q, Ille, B, Ilyas, M M, Innocente, Vincenzo, Janssen, H, Jézéquel, S, Jin, B N, Jones, L W, Kasser, A, Khan, R A, Kamyshkov, Yu A, Karyotakis, Yu, Kaur, M, Khokhar, S, Khoze, V, Kienzle-Focacci, M N, Kinnison, W W, Kirkby, D, Kittel, E W, Klimentov, A, König, A C, Kornadt, O, Koutsenko, V F, Krämer, R W, Kramer, T, Krastev, V R, Krenz, W, Krizmanic, J F, Kumar, K S, Kumar, V, Kunin, A, Lalieu, V, Landi, G, Lanius, Karl, Lanske, D, Lanzano, S, Lebrun, P, Lecomte, P, Lecoq, P, Le Coultre, P, Lee, D, Leedom, I D, Le Goff, J M, Leistam, L, Leiste, R, Lenti, M, Leonardi, E, Lettry, Jacques, Levchenko, P M, Leytens, X, Li Chuan, Li, H T, Li, J F, Li, L, Li, P J, Li, Q, Li, X G, Liao, J Y, Lin, Z Y, Linde, Frank L, Lindemann, B, Linnhöfer, D, Liu, R, Liu, Y, Lohmann, W, Longo, E, Lü, Y S, Lubbers, J M, Lübelsmeyer, K, Luci, C, Luckey, D, Ludovici, L, Luminari, L, Ma Wen Gan, MacDermott, M, Magahiz, R, Malhotra, P K, Malik, R, Malinin, A, Maña, C, Mao, D N, Mao, Y F, Maolinbay, M, Marchesini, P A, Marchionni, A, Martin, J P, Martínez-Laso, L, Marzano, F, Massaro, G G G, Matsuda, T, Mazumdar, K, McBride, P, McMahon, T, McNally, D, Meinholz, T, Merk, M, Merola, L, Meschini, M, Metzger, W J, Mi, Y, Mills, G B, Mir, Y, Mirabelli, G, Mnich, J, Möller, M, Monteleoni, B, Morand, G, Morand, R, Morganti, S, Moulai, N E, Mount, R, Müller, S, Nagy, E, Napolitano, M, Newman, H, Neyer, C, Niaz, M A, Niessen, L, Nowak, Wolf-Dieter, Pandoulas, D, Pauluzzi, M, Pauss, Felicitas, Plasil, F, Passaleva, G, Patricelli, S, Pei, Y J, Perret-Gallix, D, Perrier, J, Pevsner, A, Pieri, M, Piroué, P A, Plyaskin, V, Pohl, M, Pozhidaev, V, Produit, N, Qian, J M, Qureshi, K N, Raghavan, R, Rahal-Callot, G, Raven, G, Razis, P A, Read, K, Ren, D, Ren, Z, Reucroft, S, Ricker, A, Riemann, S, Rind, O, Rippich, C, Rizvi, H A, Roe, B P, Röhner, M, Röhner, S, Romero, L, Rose, J, Rosier-Lees, S, Rosmalen, R, Rosselet, P, Rubbia, André, Rubio, Juan Antonio, Rückstuhl, W, Rykaczewski, H, Sachwitz, M, Salicio, J, Salicio, J M, Sanders, G, Santocchia, A, Sarakinos, M E, Sartorelli, G, Sauvage, G, Savin, A, Shchegelskii, V, Schmiemann, K, Schmitz, D, Schmitz, P, Schneegans, M, Schopper, Herwig Franz, Schotanus, D J, Shotkin, S, Schreiber, H J, Schulte, R, Schulte, S, Schultze, K, Schütte, J, Schwenke, J, Schwering, G, Sciacca, C, Scott, I, Sehgal, R, Seiler, P G, Sens, Johannes C, Servoli, L, Sheer, I, Shen, D Z, Shevchenko, V, Shevchenko, S, Shi, X R, Shmakov, K D, Shoutko, V, Shumilov, E, Smirnov, N, Söderström, E, Sopczak, André, Spartiotis, C, Spickermann, T, Spillantini, P, Starosta, R, Steuer, M, Stickland, D P, Sticozzi, F, Stoeffl, W, Stone, H, Strauch, K, Stringfellow, D G, Sudhakar, K, Sultanov, G G, Sumner, R L, Sun, L Z, Suter, H, Sutton, R B, Swain, J D, Syed, A A, Tang, X W, Tarkovsky, E, Taylor, L, Timmermans, C, Ting, Samuel C C, Ting, S M, Tong, Y P, Tonisch, F, Tonutti, M, Tonwar, S C, Tóth, J, Trowitzsch, G, Tully, C, Tung, K L, Ulbricht, J, Urbàn, L, Uwer, U, Valente, E, Van de Walle, R T, Vetlitskii, I, Viertel, Gert M, Vikas, P, Vikas, U, Vivargent, M, Vogel, H, Vogt, H, von Dardel, Guy F, Vorobev, I, Vuilleumier, L, Wadhwa, M, Wallraff, W, Wang, C R, Wang, G H, Wang, J H, Wang, Q F, Wang, X L, Wang, Y F, Wang, Z, Wang, Z M, Weber, A, Weber, J, Weill, R, Wenaus, T J, Wenninger, J, White, M, Willmott, C, Wittgenstein, F, Wright, D, Wu, R J, Wu Sau Lan, Wu, S X, Wu, Y G, Wyslouch, B, Xie, Y Y, Xu, Y D, Xu, Z Z, Xue, Z L, Yan, D S, Yan, X J, Yang, B Z, Yang, C G, Yang, G, Yang, K S, Yang, Q Y, Yang, Z Q, Ye, C H, Ye, J B, Ye, Q, Yeh, S C, Yin, Z W, You, J M, Yzerman, M, Zaccardelli, C, Zemp, P, Zeng, M, Zeng, Y, Zhang, D H, Zhang, Z P, Zhou, J F, Zhu, R Y, Zhuang, H L, Zichichi, AntoninoEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1991
Enlace del recurso
404“…Calculations of inclusive cross sections for the production of bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions are presented as a function of energy, transverse momentum, and Feynman $x_F$ for values of $\sqrt{s}$ from $100~$GeV to $40~$TeV. …”
Enlace del recurso
407por Kwok, Ka Hei Martin“…Although the Higgs boson has the largest branching fraction for a decay into bottom quarks, the measurements in this decay mode have to rely on associated production with vector bosons to overcome the overwhelming QCD jet backgrounds. …”
Publicado 2020
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408por Pradhan, Raghunath“…The collectivity of b hadrons is also studied via non-prompt D$^0$ mesons (decay products of bottom hadrons) for the first time. The flavor ordering is indicated for $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ from $2-5$ GeV. …”
Publicado 2021
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409por CMS Collaboration“…A search for nonresonant Higgs boson (H) pair production via gluon and vector boson (V) fusion is performed in the final state where each H decays to a bottom quark-antiquark pair, using $138\,\text{fb}^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at $\sqrt{s}=13\,\text{TeV}$. …”
Publicado 2022
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410por Ackerstaff, K, Alexander, Gideon, Allison, J, Altekamp, N, Ametewee, K A, Anderson, K J, Anderson, S, Arcelli, S, Asai, S, Axen, D A, Azuelos, Georges, Ball, A H, Barberio, E, Barlow, R J, Bartoldus, R, Batley, J Richard, Bechtluft, J, Beeston, C, Behnke, T, Bell, A N, Bell, K W, Bella, G, Bentvelsen, Stanislaus Cornelius Maria, Berlich, P, Bethke, Siegfried, Biebel, O, Blobel, Volker, Bloodworth, Ian J, Bloomer, J E, Bobinski, M, Bock, P, Bosch, H M, Boutemeur, M, Bouwens, B T, Braibant, S, Brown, R M, Burckhart, Helfried J, Burgard, C, Bürgin, R, Capiluppi, P, Carnegie, R K, Carter, A A, Carter, J R, Chang, C Y, Charlton, D G, Chrisman, D, Clarke, P E L, Cohen, I, Conboy, J E, Cooke, O C, Cuffiani, M, Dado, S, Dallapiccola, C, Dallavalle, G M, De Jong, S, del Pozo, L A, Desch, Klaus, Dixit, M S, do Couto e Silva, E, Doucet, M, Duchovni, E, Duckeck, G, Duerdoth, I P, Edwards, J E G, Estabrooks, P G, Evans, H G, Evans, M, Fabbri, Franco Luigi, Fath, P, Fiedler, F, Fierro, M, Fischer, H M, Folman, R, Fong, D G, Foucher, M, Fürtjes, A, Gagnon, P, Gary, J W, Gascon, J, Gascon-Shotkin, S M, Geddes, N I, Geich-Gimbel, C, Geralis, T, Giacomelli, G, Giacomelli, P, Giacomelli, R, Gibson, V, Gibson, W R, Gingrich, D M, Glenzinski, D A, Goldberg, J, Goodrick, M J, Gorn, W, Grandi, C, Gross, E, Grunhaus, Jacob, Gruwé, M, Hajdu, C, Hanson, G G, Hansroul, M, Hapke, M, Hargrove, C K, Hart, P A, Hartmann, C, Hauschild, M, Hawkes, C M, Hawkings, R, Hemingway, Richard J, Herndon, M, Herten, G, Heuer, R D, Hildreth, M D, Hill, J C, Hillier, S J, Hilse, T, Hobson, P R, Homer, R James, Honma, A K, Horváth, D, Howard, R, Hughes-Jones, R E, Hutchcroft, D E, Igo-Kemenes, P, Imrie, D C, Ingram, M R, Ishii, K, Jawahery, A, Jeffreys, P W, Jeremie, H, Jimack, Martin Paul, Joly, A, Jones, C R, Jones, G, Jones, M, Jones, R W L, Jost, U, Jovanovic, P, Junk, T R, Karlen, D A, Kawagoe, K, Kawamoto, T, Keeler, Richard K, Kellogg, R G, Kennedy, B W, King, B J, Kirk, J, Kluth, S, Kobayashi, T, Kobel, M, Koetke, D S, Kokott, T P, Kolrep, M, Komamiya, S, Kress, T, Krieger, P, Von Krogh, J, Kyberd, P, Lafferty, G D, Lahmann, R, Lai, W P, Lanske, D, Lauber, J, Lautenschlager, S R, Layter, J G, Lazic, D, Lee, A M, Lefebvre, E, Lellouch, Daniel, Letts, J, Levinson, L, Lewis, C, Lloyd, S L, Loebinger, F K, Long, G D, Losty, Michael J, Ludwig, J, Mannelli, M, Marcellini, S, Markus, C, Martin, A J, Martin, J P, Martínez, G, Mashimo, T, Matthews, W, Mättig, P, McDonald, W J, McKenna, J A, McKigney, E A, McMahon, T J, McNab, A I, McPherson, R A, Meijers, F, Menke, S, Merritt, F S, Mes, H, Meyer, J, Michelini, Aldo, Mikenberg, G, Miller, D J, Mir, R, Mohr, W, Montanari, A, Mori, T, Morii, M, Müller, U, Nagai, K, Nakamura, I, Neal, H A, Nellen, B, Nijjhar, B, Nisius, R, O'Neale, S W, Oakham, F G, Odorici, F, Ögren, H O, Oldershaw, N J, Omori, T, Oreglia, M J, Orito, S, Pálinkás, J, Pásztor, G, Pater, J R, Patrick, G N, Patt, J, Pearce, M J, Petzold, S, Pfeifenschneider, P, Pilcher, J E, Pinfold, J L, Plane, D E, Poffenberger, P R, Poli, B, Posthaus, A, Przysiezniak, H, Rees, D L, Rigby, D, Robertson, S, Robins, S A, Rodning, N L, Roney, J M, Rooke, A M, Ros, E, Rossi, A M, Rosvick, M, Routenburg, P, Rozen, Y, Runge, K, Runólfsson, O, Ruppel, U, Rust, D R, Rylko, R, Sachs, K, Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E, Sasaki, M, Sbarra, C, Schaile, A D, Schaile, O, Scharf, F, Scharff-Hansen, P, Schenk, P, Schmitt, B, Schmitt, S, Schröder, M, Schultz-Coulon, H C, Schulz, M, Schumacher, M, Schütz, P, Scott, W G, Shears, T G, Shen, B C, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C H, Sherwood, P, Siroli, G P, Sittler, A, Skillman, A, Skuja, A, Smith, A M, Smith, T J, Snow, G A, Sobie, Randall J, Söldner-Rembold, S, Springer, R W, Sproston, M, Stahl, A, Steiert, M, Stephens, K, Steuerer, J, Stockhausen, B, Strom, D, Strumia, F, Szymanski, P, Tafirout, R, Talbot, S D, Tanaka, S, Taras, P, Tarem, S, Thiergen, M, Thomson, M A, Von Törne, E, Towers, S, Trigger, I, Tsukamoto, T, Tsur, E, Turcot, A S, Turner-Watson, M F, Utzat, P, Van Kooten, R, Verzocchi, M, Vikas, P, Vincter, M G, Vokurka, E H, Wäckerle, F, Wagner, A, Ward, C P, Ward, D R, Ward, J J, Watkins, P M, Watson, A T, Watson, N K, Wells, P S, Wermes, N, White, J S, Wilkens, B, Wilson, G W, Wilson, J A, Wolf, G, Wotton, S A, Wyatt, T R, Yamashita, S, Yekutieli, G, Zacek, VEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1996
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411por Hoang, A.H.“…The bottom quark $1S$ mass, $M_b^{1S}$, is determined using sum rules which relate the masses and the electronic decay widths of the $\Upsilon$ mesons to moments of the vacuum polarization function. …”
Publicado 1999
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Enlace del recurso
414por Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Adzic, P., Ajinenko, I., Albrecht, Z., Alderweireld, T., Alekseev, G.D., Alemany, R., Allmendinger, T., Allport, P.P., Almehed, S., Amaldi, U., Amapane, N., Amato, S., Anassontzis, E.G., Andersson, P., Andreazza, A., Andringa, S., Antilogus, P., Apel, W.D., Arnoud, Y., Asman, B., Augustin, J.E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Ballestrero, A., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barbiellini, G., Barbier, R., Bardin, Dmitri Yu., Barker, G.J., Baroncelli, A., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K.H., Begalli, M., Behrmann, A., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu., Benekos, N.C., Benvenuti, A.C., Berat, C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Besancon, M., Bigi, M., Bilenky, Mikhail S., Bizouard, M.A., Bloch, D., Blom, H.M., Bonesini, M., Boonekamp, M., Booth, P.S.L., Borgland, A.W., Borisov, G., Bosio, C., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T.J.V., Boyko, I., Bozovic, I., Bozzo, M., Bracko, M., Branchini, P., Brenner, R.A., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J.M., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Buschbeck, B., Buschmann, P., Cabrera, S., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Caso, C., Castillo Gimenez, M.V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F.R., Chabaud, V., Charpentier, P., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G.A., Chierici, R., Chliapnikov, P., Chochula, P., Chorowicz, V., Chudoba, J., Cieslik, K., Collins, P., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Cossutti, F., Crawley, H.B., Crennell, D., Crepe-Renaudin, Sabine, Crosetti, G., Cuevas Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Davenport, M., Da Silva, W., Della Ricca, G., Delpierre, P., Demaria, N., De Angelis, A., De Boer, W., De Clercq, C., De Lotto, B., De Min, A., De Paula, L., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Duperrin, A., Durand, J.D., Eigen, G., Ekelof, T., Ekspong, G., Ellert, M., Elsing, M., Engel, J.P., Espirito Santo, M.C., Fanourakis, G., Fassouliotis, D., Fayot, J., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Ferro, F., Fichet, S., Firestone, A., Flagmeyer, U., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Franek, B., Frodesen, A.G., Fruhwirth, R., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuster, J., Galloni, A., Gamba, D., Gamblin, S., Gandelman, M., Garcia, C., Gaspar, C., Gaspar, M., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, P., Gazis, Evangelos, Gele, D., Geralis, T., Gerdyukov, L., Ghodbane, N., Gil Botella, Ines, Glege, F., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Gomez-Ceballos, G., Goncalves, P., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gouz, Yu., Gracco, V., Grahl, J., Graziani, E., Gris, P., Grosdidier, G., Grzelak, K., Guy, J., Haag, C., Hahn, F., Hahn, S., Haider, S., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hansen, J., Harris, F.J., Hedberg, V., Heising, S., Hernandez, J.J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T.L., Heuser, J.M., Higon, E., Holmgren, S.O., Holt, P.J., Hoorelbeke, S., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huber, M., Huet, K., Hughes, G.J., Hultqvist, K., Jackson, John Neil, Jacobsson, R., Jalocha, P., Janik, R., Jarlskog, C., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Jeans, D., Johansson, Erik Karl, Jonsson, P., Joram, C., Juillot, P., Jungermann, L., Kapusta, Frederic, Karafasoulis, K., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E.C., Keranen, R., Kernel, G., Kersevan, B.P., Khokhlov, Yu.A., Khomenko, B.A., Khovanski, N.N., Kiiskinen, A., King, B., Kinvig, A., Kjaer, N.J., Klapp, O., Klein, Hansjorg, Kluit, P., Kokkinias, P., Kostioukhine, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kouznetsov, O., Krammer, M., Kriznic, E., Krumstein, Z., Kubinec, P., Kurowska, J., Kurvinen, K., Lamsa, J.W., Lane, D.W., Lapin, V., Laugier, J.P., Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, Fabienne, Lefebure, V., Leinonen, L., Leisos, A., Leitner, R., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Lethuillier, M., Libby, J., Liebig, W., Liko, D., Lipniacka, A., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Loken, J.G., Lopes, J.H., Lopez, J.M., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Loukas, D., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., MacNaughton, J., Mahon, J.R., Maio, A., Malek, A., Malmgren, T.G.M., Maltezos, S., Malychev, V., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Marco, R., Marechal, B., Margoni, M., Marin, J.C., Mariotti, C., Markou, A., Martinez-Rivero, C., Martinez-Vidal, F., Marti i Garcia, S., Masik, J., Mastroyiannopoulos, N., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, F., Mazzucato, M., McCubbin, M., McKay, R., McNulty, R., McPherson, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W.T., Migliore, E., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W.A., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moch, M., Moller, Rasmus, Monig, Klaus, Monge, M.R., Moraes, D., Moreau, X., Morettini, P., Morton, G., Mueller, U., Muenich, K., Mulders, M., Mulet-Marquis, C., Muresan, R., Murray, W.J., Muryn, B., Myatt, G., Myklebust, T., Naraghi, F., Nassiakou, M., Navarria, F.L., Navas, Sergio, Nawrocki, K., Negri, P., Neufeld, N., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B.S., Niezurawski, P., Nikolenko, M., Nomokonov, V., Nygren, A., Obraztsov, V., Olshevski, A.G., Onofre, A., Orava, R., Orazi, G., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Paiano, S., Pain, R., Paiva, R., Palacios, J., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T.D., Pape, L., Parkes, C., Parodi, F., Parzefall, U., Passeri, A., Passon, O., Pavel, T., Pegoraro, M., Peralta, L., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Phillips, H.T., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Piotto, E., Podobnik, T., Pol, M.E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Privitera, P., Pukhaeva, N., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P.N., Read, Alexander L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, Nicola Giuseppe, Regler, M., Rehn, J., Reid, D., Reinhardt, R., Renton, P.B., Resvanis, L.K., Richard, F., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Ripp-Baudot, Isabelle, Rohne, O., Romero, A., Ronchese, P., Rosenberg, E.I., Rosinsky, P., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Royon, C., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sadovsky, A., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sampsonidis, D., Sannino, M., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Schwering, B., Schwickerath, U., Scuri, Fabrizio, Seager, P., Sedykh, Y., Segar, A.M., Seibert, N., Sekulin, R., Shellard, R.C., Siebel, M., Simard, L., Simonetto, F., Sisakian, A.N., Smadja, G., Smirnov, N., Smirnova, O., Smith, G.R., Sokolov, A., Sopczak, A., Sosnowski, R., Spassov, T., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Stanescu, C., Stanic, S., Stanitzki, M., Stevenson, K., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Tabarelli, T., Taffard, A., Tegenfeldt, F., Terranova, F., Thomas, J., Timmermans, Jan, Tinti, N., Tkatchev, L.G., Tobin, M., Todorova, S., Tomaradze, A., Tome, B., Tonazzo, A., Tortora, L., Tortosa, P., Transtromer, G., Treille, D., Tristram, G., Trochimczuk, M., Troncon, C., Turluer, M.L., Tyapkin, I.A., Tyapkin, P., Tzamarias, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Vander Velde, C., Van Dam, Piet, Van den Boeck, W., Van Doninck, Walter, Van Eldik, J., Van Lysebetten, A., van Remortel, N., Van Vulpen, I., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verdier, P., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L.S., Verzi, V., Vilanova, D., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopianov, A.S., Voulgaris, G., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Washbrook, A.J., Weiser, C., Wicke, D., Wickens, J.H., Wilkinson, G.R., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wolf, G., Yi, J., Yushchenko, O., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimine, N.I., Zintchenko, A., Zoller, P., Zucchelli, G.C., Zumerle, G.“…Searches for supersymmetric partners of top and bottom quarks are presented using data taken by the DELPHI experiment at LEP in 1997 and 1998. …”
Publicado 2000
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416“…The total cross section for Higgs production in bottom-quark annihilation is evaluated at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD. …”
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419“…Breeding success is often correlated with climate, but the underlying bottom‐up mechanisms remain elusive—particularly in marine environments. …”
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