2741por Ouellette, E A“…Thus, Higgs searches in fermionic decay channels have become very important. …”
Publicado 2013
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2743“…The first model contains two scalar doublets and vector-like quarks while the second one employs three scalar doublets but does not require vector-like fermions. In both models, interesting correlations between $b\to s\mu\mu$ transitions, $h\to\mu\tau$, and $\tau\to3\mu$ arise.…”
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2744por Zucchetta, Alberto“…Beyond the standard model theories like Extra-Dimensions and Composite Higgs scenarios predict the existence of very heavy resonances compatible with a spin 0 (Radion), spin 1 (W', Z') and spin 2 (Graviton) particle with large branching fractions in pairs of standard model bosons and negligible branching fractions to light fermions. We present an overview of searches for new physics containing W, Z or H bosons in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. …”
Publicado 2017
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2745por Tao, Junquan“…The latest measurements of the Higgs boson properties in both the $\mathrm{H}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ decay channel and the $\mathrm{H}\rightarrow{\rm Z}{\rm Z}\rightarrow4\ell$ ($\ell={\rm e},\mu$) decay channel using the proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s}=13$ $TeV$, including the signal strength relative to the standard model prediction, signal strength modifiers for different Higgs production modes, coupling modifiers to fermions and bosons, and effective coupling modifiers to photons and gluons, are presented. …”
Publicado 2017
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2746por Lange, Clemens“…Beyond the standard model theories like extra-dimensions and composite Higgs scenarios predict the existence of very heavy resonances compatible with a spin-0 (radion), spin-1 (W', Z') and spin-2 (graviton) particle with large branching fractions in pairs of standard model bosons and negligible branching fractions to light fermions. We present an overview of searches for new physics containing W, Z or H bosons in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. …”
Publicado 2017
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2747por Cline, James M“…Topics include the path integral, loop expansion, Feynman rules, various regularization methods, renormalization, running couplings and the renormalization group, fixed points and asymptotic freedom, effective action, Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, fermions, the axial anomaly, QED, gauge fixing, nonabelian gauge theories, unitarity, optical theorem, Slavnov-Taylor identities, beta function of Yang-Mills theory, a heuristic derivation of asymptotic freedom, instantons in SU(N) gauge theory, theta vacua and the strong CP problem. …”
Publicado 2020
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2748por Lewenstein, Maciej“…--HTML-->The central idea of this review talk is to consider quantum field theory models relevant for particle physics and replace the fermionic matter in these models by a bosonic one. …”
Publicado 2021
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2749por Rettie, Sebastien“…These include searches for leptoquarks and vector-like fermions, new high mass resonances and lepton flavour violating decays, dark sector searches, as well as searches for new phenomena giving unconventional and/or long-lived particle signatures.…”
Publicado 2022
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2750por Zaazoua, Mohamed“…These include searches for leptoquarks and vector-like fermions, new high mass resonances and lepton flavour violating decays, dark matter searches in final states with large missing transverse momentum, as well as dark-sector searches using unconventional and long-lived particle signatures.…”
Publicado 2022
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2751por Giudice, Gian F“…If new dark sector particles, be they bosons or fermions, can coalesce into exotic compact objects (ECOs) of astronomical size, then the first evidence for such objects, and their underlying microphysical description, may arise in gravitational wave observations. …”
Publicado 2017
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2752por Firan, Ana“…For the Higgs masses of interest at the CERN LHC in the range of 100-150 GeV, the conversions to pairs of fermions represent a significant fraction of Higgs decays. …”
Publicado 2008
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2753“…We carry out simulations in various topological sectors of the theory at several volumes, quark masses and lattice spacings by employing fermions with an exact chiral symmetry, and we focus on observables which are infrared stable and free from mass-dependent ultraviolet divergences. …”
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2754“…The model predicts the existence of several top-partner fermions one of which can be as light as 700 GeV, while the ordinary MSSM states could be as light as 400 GeV. …”
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2755“…We consider non-universal 'minimal' Z' models, whose additional U(1) charge is a non-anomalous linear combination of the weak hypercharge Y, the baryon number B and the partial lepton numbers (L_e, L_mu, L_tau), with no exotic fermions beyond three standard families with right-handed neutrinos. …”
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2756por Ferrara, Sergio, Kallosh, Renata, Linde, Andrei, Marrani, Alessio, Van Proeyen, Antoine“…The theory has a modified Kaehler geometry, and it exhibits a significant dependence on the frame function $\Phi (z, \bar z)$ and its derivatives over scalars, in the bosonic as well as in the fermionic part of the action. Under certain simple conditions, the scalar kinetic terms in the Jordan frame have a canonical form. …”
Publicado 2010
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2757por Bahr, Felix, Bernardoni, Fabio, Ramos, Alberto, Simma, Hubert, Sommer, Rainer, Bulava, John“…Working towards this goal, we present preliminary lattice results of the ALPHA collaboration for the $B\to \pi$ form factor $f_+(q^2)$ with $N_{\rm f}=2$ flavours of $O(a)$-improved Wilson fermions. Our computation uses HQET in the static limit, pion masses ranging down to $\sim250$ MeV, large volumes with $m_\pi L >4$, three lattice spacings, and non-perturbative renormalization. …”
Publicado 2012
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2758por Bahr, F., Bernardoni, F., Blossier, B., Bulava, J., Della Morte, M., Fritzsch, P., Garron, N., Gerardin, A., Heitger, J., von Hippel, G., Ramos, A., Simma, H., Sommer, R.“…We report the results of the ALPHA collaboration for $\fB$ from the lattice with 2 flavors of $O(a)$ improved Wilson fermions. We employ HQET, including $1/m_b$ corrections, with pion masses ranging down to $\approx$ 190 MeV. …”
Publicado 2012
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2759por Bottaro, Salvatore, Buttazzo, Dario, Costa, Marco, Franceschini, Roberto, Panci, Paolo, Redigolo, Diego, Vittorio, Ludovico“…We compute for the first time all the calculable thermal masses for scalar and fermionic WIMPs, including Sommerfeld enhancement and bound states formation at leading order in gauge boson exchange and emission. …”
Publicado 2021
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2760“…We apply this procedure to obtain massive four-point amplitudes featuring scalars, spin 1/2 fermions and vectors, in the standard-model EFT. The subleading helicity-flipped components of each massive contact term, which are dictated by little-group covariance, are associated with the residues of factorizable massless amplitudes. …”
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